General English Guess Paper for BG 1st Semester Qno 1. keeping the new hangman's behaviour in mind what opinion have you formed of him? give a well argued answer? Qno 2. discuss the response of the prison staff to the hangmans decision? Qno 3. At St JOSEPh's, Kalam learnt not only physics and Malhematics but also important lessons in Coenxistence. Discuss? Qno 4. What impression have you formed of kalam from the given extract .Give examples to illustrate your point? Qno 5. Describe the kalams recollection of his teachers at MIT in detail? Qno 6. discuss the effects of globalisation and immigration witnessed in cultures across the world? Qno 7. comment on American cultural hegemony as a process of globalisation? Qno 8. discuss the poem as a thorough & radical analysis of the system of child slavery within the 'civilized' English society? Qno 9. what is the ideal form of beauty that the poet wishes for his daughter? Qno 10. what does the poet mean by intellectual hat...